Saturday, October 30, 2010

Where to begin...

Well for starters, none of us can believe that it's almost the end of October! Time flies when you're having fun... or when you're bogged down with schoolwork it seems. Either way we're mid-semester here and we're getting accustomed to our humble abode. It may be small and brown on the outside, but inside we've already had many fun times.

Here are some highlights of the past 3 months:

  • The day we move in, Low and Behold, there was a glorious message on a random whiteboard in our kitchen "We hope you have as much fun as we did in this apartment. We left this whiteboard because we found it useful, hope it serves you well. Love the Bash Brothers of 906" Well actually the dear bash brothers, just couldn't get the whiteboard off the wall without tearing off the paint, thanks friends.
  • The 2nd day we lived here, Erica and I were getting back from buying groceries and low and behold the po-po stands on our front doorstep! Ahhh!! What had we done? All our guilty thoughts ran through our mind, but nothing seemed worthy. As he approached our car, we were shaking in our boots. Come to find out, he had a message for one of the previous tenants... and we immediately jumped to conclusions and thought he (forgot to mention 4 boys lived here before us) was getting called to court for a DUI. After contacting him via facebook (that's what it's good for) he showed up on our doorstep to get his message...and his beer stump?!? We then learned that he was in contact with the police because he had recently had his truck stolen. Boy did we feel bad...
  • That is until, another tenant forgot to change his address and his checks got sent here. Being the nice girls we are, we also contacted him and allowed him to pick them up instead of leaving them in our mailbox for the creepers to find.
  • The first weekend we stayed here, the brown box boy neighbors (buster included, their contraband wiener dog) below us decided to throw a kickin' party but forgot to tell all their friends what door to go to. Thanks again friends. We actually had several groups of possibly intoxicated individuals come to our door instead of theirs... and try to break in. One girl was actually from our home county, but she didn't recognize us in her state. By the time the last group came to our door, we were peeved. I went to to the door exclaiming "SERIOUSLY!"... when I opened the door I found some dude high-tailing it back to his car. So apparently we were intimidating haha. After that there were no more visitors, how sad.
  • Cooking. Let's just say this ain't the Rachel Ray show here. Our oven is possessed, it makes funny noises, smells strange, and burns everything in its path including apple pies, pancakes, hash browns, just to name a few... We never set off the fire alarm though and that my friends takes skillz. For real.
  • So we are educated individuals, and quite appreciate getting the Wall-Street Journal every day, the best part? It's free! Thank you friends, whoever you are, sorry you're losing money on our account. If you ever want to read them, drop on by... or choose from the 6 that are still lying in our driveway.
  • Our Garbage disposal sounds like it's chewing logs, no chewing forks, or beer bottle caps from our previous tenants. Thanks Bash Brothers, we're here for you, you're here for us, it's mutual. After 4 calls to the landlord, who thinks we're idiots because only 1 of us has ever used a garbage disposal before. 3 of us are farm born and bred, out on the farm, the dog gets all the scraps... seriously. So after plunging it, yes we did do that, seeking the help of a trusty man friend, and emailing the landlord again, it finally got fixed. Oh Happy Day.
  • So about 4 weeks ago it was quite chilly in the morning, trying to turn on the furnace was NOT a good idea. It sounded like a dying animal and infiltrated every room with the stench of burning hair. While trying to explain this, and the random sock monster I found in our laundry closet next to the heater our landlord exclaims "Oh Weally?" Yes weally, but eventually, it also got fixed.
  • Just yesterday, the drawer under our stove wouldn't shut right. Sooo, we pulled it out and found a magical storage spot that the previous tenants had obviously utilized. Low and behold, they left us among the rubbish, a shiny pizza pie pan. It's pretty glorious. This is the box that keeps on giving.

So, in the word of our landlord, this is "weally" long. Sorry, but now you're all caught up on the latest news from The Little Brown Box, hope you enjoyed it! XOXO

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