Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring is Here?

Spring is Here? 

Us girls of the little brown box are beginning to wonder if spring will ever truly show it's face... Where are those Spring temperatures we all love and yearn for right about now? I guess the answer is in Manhattan, Ks - they're all hiding out. Winter has them scared away unfortunately. However, I still hear the birds outside of my window every day so maybe, just maybe Spring is still on it's way.

I'm trying to think of anything remotely interesting that has happened since our last post, oh so long ago... and the truth is there is probably a lot, but my mind is so bogged down now with school work and spring fever it doesn't really matter much.

This is my plea to spring: Please get here soon, i'm ready for sunshine, warm weather, capris, short sleeves, sand volleyball and not having to wear my winter coat!

It reminds me of a good 'ol song I think I learned off Barney when I was little.

"Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, please shine down on me!" :) We can only hope this rings true soon!